October 14, 2020
All travel coverage responses apply to GSC’s standard travel benefit. (They do not apply to the SureAway travel plan which is a stand-alone, single-trip travel product that is purchased separately and is not part of a health benefits plan.)
The official Government of Canada travel advisory (issued March 13), says to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada until further notice – even with international borders starting to re-open. What does this mean for my travel coverage if I still choose to travel for non-essential/leisure purposes?
While Greenshield continues to view the Government advisory as the primary guideline, they understand that plan members will make their own choices around travelling. In these situations, Greenshield firmly believes that providing peace of mind is the right thing to do.
For that reason, Greenshield travel plans may include coverage for emergency medical expenses related to COVID-19 for the period of August 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021, up to the existing maximums and limitations within each plan.
This additional coverage will apply to all destinations globally – regardless of the COVID-19 travel advisory being in place or reason for travel (i.e. leisure, work, school) – and is subject to all other terms, conditions, and limitations of your benefits plan, including the requirement that you must be symptom free, in good health, and that all pre-existing conditions must be stable for 90 days prior to departure.